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Alec Baldwin

Ireland Baldwin Defends Stepmom 'Hilaria' After Accusations Her Spanish Identity Is A Hoax -- But Then APOLOGIZES?!

Ireland Baldwin Hilaria Alec Defense Spanish Heritage Drama

Well, those who know her best are coming out in defense of Hilaria Baldwin. And by that of course we mean the people of Massachusetts and the greater Boston area. Since that’s apparently where she’s from and NOT Spain.

Yes, in case you hadn’t seen, accusations resurfaced — and in full force — claiming Alec Baldwin‘s famously fit mommy influencer wife was not the Spanish immigrant who had moved to the US when she was 19, as she had previously claimed to be. As wild an allegation as that is, the tons of receipts, including old video of her speaking without an accent, documentation of her New Englander parents and grandparents, accounts of folks who knew her before the transformation, etc, were quite convincing.

It seems the Hilaria we knew was some kind of Iberian Rachel Dolezal, and really she’s just HILARY HAYWARD-THOMAS from the block. Or from the cul-de-sac, we guess?

The Mom Brain podcast host defended herself on Instagram, saying she wasn’t “playing at” tricking anyone — though she was NOT born in Mallorca, Spain as her online bio claims:

“I was born in Boston and grew up spending time with my family between Massachusetts and Spain. My parents and sibling live in Spain and I chose to live here, in the USA. We celebrate both cultures in our home — Alec and I are raising our children bilingual, just as I was raised.”

And the accent? Well, she has an answer for that, too — to her, being bilingual means getting confused sometimes:

“I am that person who if I have been speaking a lot of Spanish then I tend to mix them and if I’ve been speaking a lot of English then I mix up my Spanish. It’s one of those things that I’ve always been a bit insecure about. When I get nervous or upset then I tend to mix the two.”

As many bilingual folks as we’ve known, we have to be honest and say this is NOT a great defense. And it doesn’t explain why she’s told conflicting stories about when she came to the States.

Good thing for her she isn’t alone; she has powerful voices in her corner.

Related: Look At How Much Hilaria Has Posted On IG Since Announcing ‘Long’ Break!

In addition to the angry rants of Alec (shocker), the “haters” must also now face the wrath of Hilaria’s stepdaughter, Ireland Baldwin.

The model is known for her absolutely savage mockery of her dad on social media, and now she’s turned that viciousness toward those who would attack her stepmom. First she got supportive, commenting on one of Hilaria’s IG posts:

“I wish people had the chance to know you and know your story the way that I do rather than from a fabricated nine hour long Instagram story. I think you are an incredible mom and an inspiration. I know what it’s like to have a really awful piece of s**t woman in your place trying to be my stepmom… And I thank God often that the stars aligned and I wound up with a stepmom like you.”

Um… which of Alec’s past girlfriends is she describing there?? LOLz!

Alec Baldwin Drinking GIF by CraveTV - Find & Share on GIPHY

The 25-year-old continued:

“I had the best time of my life dancing with your chosen family that flew all the way here from Spain to party at your wedding.”

She then went on the attack, saying:

“I love you and I find it really sad that people have the time that they do to play detective and make up a lot of lies and fabricate a lot of truths to fit a story.”

A lot of lies? We’ll get back to that…

She concluded:

“I’m sorry that people are giving you such a hard time during a time that is already so f**king difficult for everyone in this world coping with the realities of Covid and being without family over the holidays and even losing family during the holidays due to this madness… I know who you are and I know what you are not and I’m lucky to know you for who you truly are.

She then took to her IG Story and continued the attack portion, saying:

“It’s so pathetic that anyone would want to play detective and dig that deep into someone’s life that they don’t know, don’t know anything about, don’t know how they were raised, who they were actually raised by. It’s just kind of sad and pathetic.”

So remember how Ireland (who was born in Los Angeles and NOT Ireland btw — LOLz, sorry, couldn’t resist!) said the accusers were just telling “a lot of lies”??

Well, apparently some of what they said was still valid as Ireland brought up the fact many of those chiming in had mentioned how nice the Hilary they knew was; for instance, the two folks who wrote on Twitter:

“I went to high school with her. Genuinely lovely person, I recall, but fully a white girl from Cambridge.”

“I went to high school with her. She was perfectly nice and serious about ballroom dancing. Her name was indeed Hilary Hayward-Thomas and she did not have her current accent.”

Completely ignoring the fact both of those people were giving evidence that her past identity was not the Spanish woman we all know, Ireland used those comments as evidence of what a great person her dad’s second wife is:

“That’s because she is very kind. She’s a good person, a caring person, who has always respected my relationship with my dad… I have a great relationship with her… Hilaria is a wonderful mother who takes great care of her kids and she takes great care of my dad and that’s really all that matters to me.”

Speaking of Poppa Baldwin, Alec meanwhile is still defending his wife, letting someone more well-respected take over the defense this time. He posted on his IG — without comment — a quote from Mark Twain himself:

Um… in this case, isn’t that the point? That “Hilaria” is the one who’s been selling a lie all this time, and it took the Internet basically a decade to get the truth’s shoelaces tied?

Innerestingly, the most recent thing Ireland has said about any of this was quite a bit different. It reads like something of an apology, saying she is “fully supportive of the Latinx community”… Huh??

Ireland Baldwin Latinx apology Instagram Story
(c) Ireland Baldwin/Instagram Story

Maybe she feels like she went too far with her defense? Did she offend those members of the Hispanic and Latinx community who had already been offended by Hilaria’s alleged years-long “grift”??

Defending a family member in the face of such evidence is quite a pickle, isn’t it? Or should we say… cucumber??

In any case, it looks like she and her dad may be winding down these strong defenses. What do YOU make of all this, Perezcious readers??

[Image via Ireland Baldwin/Hilaria Baldwin/Alec Baldwin/Instagram.]

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Dec 28, 2020 17:10pm PDT