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Isaiah Washington

Wow! Isaiah Washington Is Returning To Grey's Anatomy! (Try To Pick Your Jaw UP Off The Floor Long Enough To Ready WHY!)

Wow! Isaiah Washington Is Returning To Grey's Anatomy! (Try To Pick Your Jaw UP Off The Floor Long Enough To Ready WHY!)

isaiah washington returning to greys anatomy
Uhhhh, this seems totally awkward.
We all still remember when Isaiah Washington was cut from Grey’s Anatomy after rudely and disgustingly using a homophobic slur├óΓé¼┬ªtwice!
But now, it seems something has been smoothed over all these years later because he is returning to the show for one episode in May!
Creator Shonda Rhimes has decided it’s important to bring his character back at this time despite the dramz he caused the last time he was a part of the show. She explained the decision:

“It├óΓé¼Γäós important to me that Cristina├óΓé¼Γäós journey unfolds exactly as it should. Burke is vital to that journey ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ he gives her story that full-circle moment we need to properly say goodbye to our beloved Cristina Yang.”

Ahhhh, as we all know Sandra Oh is set to leave the show this year, and her character has quite the past with Isaiah’s character.
It certainly is an interesting decision to bring Isaiah back considering the shizz storm that went down as he left.
We guess time – and ratings – will tell if viewers are accepting of this move.
[Image via Brian To/WENN.]

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Mar 07, 2014 09:38am PDT

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