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Star Seeker

Lindsay Lohan

Jack Nicholson Is Trying To Save LezLo!

Father of the Year, Michael Lohan, did what any concerned father would do upon hearing that his estranged daughter was wanted by authorities….he launched a media tour!.
On Monday, one of the outlets he spoke to was Toronto’s Virgin Radio, with Mad Dog and Billie.
Apparently some of his cronies called Michael after Lindsay got into (another) fight with girlfriend saMAN in Vegas. Poor Michael was so worried he “laid in bed all night reading his Bible.”
And when asked how he felt about Lindsay showing up on Jack Nicholson‘s doorstep this weekend, Michael said that Jack is actually trying to help his daughter out – eah, at 2 in the morning – and went on to thank Nicholson and butt boyfriend Stephen Baldwin for “trying to put things in motion for Lindsay.”
As usual, Michael also urged saMAN to “walk away” from LezLo because saMAN knows the situation is “toxic” and is only using LOLhan for the extra cash.
Please, we all know the saMAN is funding LOLhan’s Coke* habit!
Have a listen to Daddy LOLhan at your own risk . We can’t be responsible for you punching a window out in anger!
*Coca-Cola, of course.
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 16, 2009 16:00pm PDT