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Another Duggar Scandal?! Jill And Derick Dillard's Ministry Site Now Offering Refunds Amid Questions About Their Mission Work

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Is there another controversy brewing for the Duggar family?!
Jill Dillard and her husband Derick are feeling the wrath of the Internet after questions arose about their mission work, and more specifically, how they’ve been using tax-exempt donation money given to them by supporters.
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It all started when the couple moved to Central America for what they called “long-term” mission work, after which they set up a 501(c)3 tax-deductible non-profit organization called Dillard Family Ministries — all the while soliciting donations for their life-changing move.
But after less than two months in Central America, the Dillards up and moved back to the United States, providing no details about how all that donated money had been spent, or where it was going since the mission work had apparently ended quite prematurely.
The family has been busy traveling back to the United States for filming, friends’ weddings, and their most recent stay, which has been more than a month long — all since the beginning of their supposed long-term mission work began at the end of July!
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Now, though, the Dillards have very discreetly added an option on their mission website where donors can ask for a refund (via screenshot, below):
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The Dillards have yet to comment on anything surrounding refunds or non-profit improprieties.
At this point, despite outward appearances of a family that is allegedly spending far more time here in America than abroad — where they indicated they’d be while soliciting donations — it is not yet known if the Dillards have done anything illegal by misusing funds from their non-profit organization.
[Image via Jill Dillard/Instagram.]

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Oct 17, 2015 17:44pm PDT