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Barbara Walters

Jimmy Kimmel Says Farewell To Barbara Walters With A Beautiful Rose Bouquet! Adorable Pic HERE!!!

jimmy kimmel barbara walters the view flowers boquet twitter
Remember the time Jimmy Kimmel interviewed Barbara Walters on his late night show and it was the most awkward conversation in human history?
Well, it looks like all of that uncomfortableness is a dwindling stream of water under a very tall and immaculately constructed bridge!
When JK — OMG, we just realized those were his initials, no wonder why he pulls so many pranks — visited the voluptuous bosom of The View this week, he and Babs shared a most intimate moment! He brought the lovely lady a brilliant bouquet of fresh flowers (above)!
Aww!! How sweet!
Is it because they’re secret lovers? Probz not, seeing as how he’s married. Is it because she’s secretly his mom and this was a late Mothers’ Day gift? Well, we guess that’s a possibility, but no just kidding it’s not.
Jimmy brought her flowers because he knew the prolific TV host was retiring at the end of the week and he wanted to give her a deliciously scented send off!
What a class act, that one!! We’re all gonna miss you, Barbara!!
[Image via Twitter & ABC.]

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May 14, 2014 06:04am PDT

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