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Justin Timberlake

Dylan Farrow Just Shaded The HELLLLL Out Of Justin Timberlake On Twitter! Quote Of The Day!

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On Tuesday, Justin Timberlake (who has recently worked for accused sexual abuser Woody Allen) tweeted:

“Random question: Can someone please explain the saying, ‘You just want your cake and to eat it too.’ What else am I about to do with a cake??”

To which Dylan Farrow (the woman who has accused Woody Allen of sexual abuse) responded:

“The saying means, for example, you can’t support #TIMESUP and praise sexual predators at the same time. You can’t retain your credibility as an activist (i.e. – retain the cake) and, at the same time, praise a sexual predator (i.e. – eating the cake).”

Snaaaaaaap, SNAP.
[Image via Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]

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Jan 23, 2018 14:45pm PDT