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Kate Gosselin Makes Incredibly Racist Pose On Twitter!

kate gosselin
Paula Deen must be exhaling a small sigh of relief, as she is no longer in the “I’m-a-racist” spotlight alone.
Nope, Kate Gosselin is there to keep her company! Ch-ch-check out the image above of Kate wearing what looks like to be a plastic Elivs wig Geisha headpiece and pulling back the skin around her eyes! The photo was released online Sunday through a newly created Twitter account, which has thus far only produced this sole, and soul crushing, tweet.
Kate, what kind of message does this send to your kids, who are half Korean (in case you forgot)? It looks like Kate has a lot of explaining to do, not just to them, but to all of us. Which by the way, she hasn’t done yet.
At all.
The photo went up Sunday, and Kate has remained completely quiet on the matter. Maybe give your PR person a call? Maybe…like now?
This scandal comes on the heels of Kate preparing to sue her former husband Jon Gosselin and Robert Hoffman, author of Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World, for trying to damage her reputation and then to exploit her bad name for a profit. Seems to us that Kate is doing a pretty good job of damaging her own reputation by herself.
P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!
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[Image via Twitter.]

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Jun 25, 2013 12:09pm PDT