North West is over the coronavirus quarantine… and we totally get it!
On Monday, Kim Kardashian West recorded a public service announcement video encouraging California residents to continue to practice good social distancing during the pandemic, even as the weather warmed up outside. But she got an unexpected visitor when Nori popped in — and hilariously changed the course of the entire video! Apparently interrupting Kim is just something North does now!!!
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The proud 39-year-old momma was right in the middle of her PSA when her 6-year-old daughter decided to crash the party. Holding the phone and talking directly to fans, Kim opened up with this (below) as North barged in:
“Hi everyone in California, it’s Kim Kardashian West and I was just wanted to talk you…”
Suddenly, little West appears, and interjects her own introduction to the clip, adding, “and North West!”
Already laughing at her daughter’s brazen behavior, Kim tries to go on, saying:
“I just wanted to have a serious conversation with you guys about social distancing. I know it’s California and we’ve got the most beautiful weather, but we have to start to train ourselves…”
But North was clearly unable to contain herself, and you can hear her whispering “I want out” as the camera rolled. OMG!!! Girl, we FEEL YOU!!! We want out, too! From the mouths of babes…
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Ch-ch-check out the moment as part of the HIGHlarious PSA on social distancing and staying indoors (below):
Staying at home means having so much fun with your kids! Just look at how much fun @KimKardashian & North West are having!
By staying home, you’re saving lives. Keep it up, California.
???? #StayHomeSaveLives
— California Governor (@CAgovernor) April 13, 2020
Ha! Love it!!!
Even her momma acknowledges the stir-crazy feelings associated with being inside for so long, at one point speaking back directly to the camera right as North walks back in the video:
“Trust me, I want to get out — more than you know.”
LOLz! With a precocious kiddo like that involved, Kim, we can only imagine!
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Ironically, North crashing the PSA probably made it even more popular than it otherwise would’ve been, so things likely turned out well for the state of California there. And it’s a good (and very real) reminder that even with small children getting annoyed and a little antsy all cooped up at home, social distancing remains the right thing to do right now. It’s tough… but we’ll get through it together.
What’d y’all think of the little one’s unlikely stardom in this clip, Perezcious readers?? She’s no Mason Disick making outlaw moves on social media… but Nori is certainly coming into her own, as well! And she’s got a fun, sassy little personality, doesn’t she?!
[Image via Kim Kardashian West/Instagram]