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Kim Kardashian Demands Public Apology & Retraction From Writer Who Claimed Paris Robbery Was A 'Publicity Stunt Gone Horribly Wrong'

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian West
has had just about enough of people questioning her — and rightfully so!
As you surely know, the 36-year-old (HBD, Kimmy!) was left badly shaken when a group of thieves bound, gagged, and robbed her of millions of dollars in jewelry while she was in Paris earlier this month for Fashion Week.
Because the Internet is a crazzzy place, rumors and conspiracy theories went rampant as to whether or not the horrifying incident actually took place.
Well now, the KUWTK queen is continuing to fight back at all the naysayers who published stories saying the entire ordeal was a publicity stunt.
Related: Security Footage Of Kim’s Armed Robbers’ Getaway Released
Another case in point, the reality star’s team sent a letter to Huffington Post contributor Sharika Soal demanding a retraction and an apology for writing the Paris robbery was a “publicity stunt gone horribly wrong” in her October 8 post for the blog — or else she’ll sue.
In the legal letter, Kim’s attorney outlined the traumatic heist and pointed out that the quote used by Soal was actually pulled from a satirical website. Womp womp.
TMZ reached out to the writer, who said she’s in talks with Miz Kardashian’s lawyers as she’s unable to publish a retraction because HuffPo has blocked her out of her account. Hm.
Huffington Post told the gossip outlet that this dilemma is strictly between Kim and Soal — and they’ve already pulled the story from the site.
Soal took to Facebook on Friday to say:

“I will never apologize for reporting on rumors that were posted all over the internet.”

Do U think Kim should fight to clear her name?? SOUND OFF in the comments!
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 21, 2016 11:49am PDT

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