So long, Wolf Webster, for we evidently hardly knew ye by that moniker…
Kylie Jenner may have just released an adorable new YouTube video dedicated to her infant son and showing off the last nine months of her life while she carried him to term, but now she and partner Travis Scott have apparently thought better of their decision to name their baby boy Wolf!
Related: Wait, Did Kylie And Travis Secretly Get Married?! Here’s Why Some Fans Think So!
The Kardashians star revealed as much in an abrupt and unexpected post to her Instagram Stories on Monday afternoon. In just a couple dozen words, the reality TV star and Kylie Cosmetics mogul laid it all out there, alerting fans to a coming name change for the sweet baby boy:
“FYI our sons name isn’t Wolf anymore. We just really didn’t feel like it was him. Just wanted to share because I keep seeing Wolf everywhere.”
You can see her whole extremely straightforward and to-the-point post (below):

So, that’s that!
Definitely didn’t expect to come across this news at this point in time, but hey, here it is.
Guess we’ll just have to wait and see what they decide to re-name Stormi Webster‘s baby bro!
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