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Fans May Have Identified The DAY Travis Scott Found Out Kylie Was Pregnant!

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We’ll never forget where we were when we first heard Kylie Jenner was pregnant! We were RIGHT HERE! (It was just a couple hours ago, LOLz!)
But some clever fans may have actually pinpointed the moment Travis Scott found out too!
Related: Twitter Reacts To The Kylie Pregnancy News!
Twitter followers had no idea what this cryptic message was about at the time… but now some believe this is what Travis tweeted when he found out he was going to be a father:

Hmm, June 12. From what we’ve heard, Kylie is due in February, so early June would have been around 4 weeks into the first trimester. The timelines definitely add up!
Do YOU think this is how Travis told the world??
[Image via Instagram.]

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Sep 22, 2017 20:33pm PDT