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Lance Armstrong Can't Even Compete In A Swimming Competition!

lance armstrong swimming competition doping agency banned sports cycling lie cheating
Hey Lance Armstrong!
We’re sorry to hear that you’re unable to take part in a swimming competition in Texas, but maybe you shouldn’t have cheated in sports for all those years and then followed it all up with lies. You’d probably be able to compete in anything you wanted had you not done that! Just sayin’!
Armstrong wanted to compete at the Masters South Central Zone Swimming Championships in his home town of Austin this weekend. It has nothing to do with cycling, it isn’t subjected to USA or World Anti-Doping Agency codes. No prob, right?
Wrong! He entered in the 500, 1,000 and 1,650-yard freestyle events, and then FINA put a stop to it — they’re swimming’s governing body. Apparently the competition is under the jurisdiction of U.S Masters Swimming and quoted FINA rule DC 15.1.
Here’s what it says:

“The Testing, therapeutic use exemptions and hearing results or other final adjudications of any Signatory to the Code which are consistent with the Code and are within the Signatory’s authority, shall be recognized and respected by FINA and its Member Federations.
FINA wrote a letter to the U.S. Masters Swimming (with copy to US Aquatic Sports and USA Swimming) requesting not to accept the entry of Mr. Lance Armstrong in the above mentioned competition.”

Hey Lance, one more thing.
What’s the need to compete in official things like this? Can’t you just go out and swim and bike and stuff on your own for health and fun? The competition part isn’t necessary, plus you gotta see that people don’t want you disgracing other sports like you did with cycling, so why not drop it?
Enjoy your life! You’re still way better off than some people in the world, quit trying to take more when you don’t need it!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Apr 04, 2013 20:28pm PDT

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