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Lance Armstrong

Lance To Recuperate At Superhuman Pace

Lance Armstrong broke his collarbone while in a bicycle accident in Spain on Monday. Unfortunately for the Tour de France champ, he had to have an operation for it on Wednesday.
A 5 inch, stainless-steel plate with 12 screws were inserted in his collarbone. But, ever the trooper, Lance should be back up in about a week his doctors say.
Dr. Douglas Elenz stated, “Our goal was to stabilize his fracture as quickly as possible, but in a safe fashion, and then allow Lance to do the things he does best. This was a challenge. It was a hard case. Lance is going to be a patient who is going to push the envelope. After his wound is healing, we’re going to let Lance get on an indoor exercise bike, work on his aerobic fitness and his leg strength.”
In the mean time, Lance is to do as little as possible during this first week. It should then take about 12 weeks to fully heal.
But Lance is determined to make the Tour de France in July. In fact, he said on Tuesday he’d even like to participate in Italy’s May 9th race and said, “In my opinion, the Giro d’Italia is still very do-able.”
Don’t overdo it, bud!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 26, 2009 13:15pm PDT

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