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Leah Light

Q&A: Bubble-Free Nails

CoCoPerez reader Ruth writes:

Hi Leah,
Hope you are great. Do you know why are there bubbles in my polish?

Celebrity nail stylist Leah Light answers:

Hi Ruth,
Yes I am great thanks 🙂 There are a number of reasons that can cause nail polish to bubble up on your nails.
Firstly, you need to make sure your nails are clean and dry with no oily residue on the surface before polishing.
Second, if your nail enamel is old, it can thicken and may cause bubbling. You can use a nail polish thinner, but a new bottle is always best.
Third, don’t shake your polish bottle to mix the polish├óΓé¼┬ª.beads in the bottle can create bubbles. Instead, roll the bottle between your hands.
Finally, be sure that each coat of polish is completely dry before applying the next coat.
I hope that helps!

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Oct 21, 2011 14:00pm PDT

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