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Animal Cruelty

Life Of Pi Director Responds To Near Fatal Tiger Drowning

Life of Pi director Ang Lee responds to near tiger drowning on set!
We previously mentioned that an American Humane Association (AHA) monitor named Gina Johnson let slip that a tiger almost died while filming Life of Pi!
So even though the movie had a “No Animals Were Harmed” tag, that wasn’t exactly true!
A tiger nearly drowned while swimming in a giant tank when he got lost trying to swim to the side.
Life of Pi director Ang Lee opened up about the incident, saying:

“It was an accident. The crew worked hard to rescue the tiger and then showed him a lot of care, giving him five-star treatment. [├óΓé¼┬ª] We gave a lot of care to the tiger, as much as we possibly could.”

It’s not so much about giving the tiger great care after an accident (that should be expected) but it’s about not putting an animal in harm’s way in the first place!!
They should’ve just used a computer generated tiger for EVERYTHING instead of just most shots.
Hopefully the AHA and the film industry will see this near death as a wake up call and this will then lead to the protection of more animals!
[Image via WENN.]

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Dec 02, 2013 10:46am PDT