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Lily Allen Severely Attacks Paparazzo!!!! U.S. Tour in Jeopardy!!!!!

Lily Allen Severely Attacks Paparazzo!!!! U.S. Tour in Jeopardy!!!!!

Oh, shit! She did it again! She’s gone and stuck her foot in her mouth on somebody else!
An animalistic Lily Allen viciously attacked a paparazzo in London on Thursday, punching him, kicking him repeatedly and even throwing a bottle of water towards him.
What set off the hard-pAArtying Brit???
Well, the photog “accidentally” drove into the back of Lily’s car and that set her off. She got out of her vehicle and went on a rampage against the ‘razzo!
Authorities are likely to look into the attack – as there is photographic evidence – and Lily may be arrested very shortly.
The singer was set to embark on a tour of America soon, but – like Amy Winehouse – Allen’s visa may now be in jeopardy because of any legal troubles that may arise from her assault.
CLICK HERE to look at photos of Lily attacking the paparazzo!!!!!
CLICK HERE to look at photos of Lily attacking the paparazzo!!!!!
CLICK HERE to look at photos of Lily attacking the paparazzo!!!!!
Violence is never the answer.
Lily, you are such a disappointment!
P.S. Allen has BEEN ARRESTED BEFORE for assault. She needs to work through her issues other ways.
Maybe yoga?

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Mar 12, 2009 18:37pm PDT

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