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The Rumble At The Clinic Of Betty Ford: What Really Happened Between Lindsay & A Staffer


Oh boy! This morning, we’ve got all the details for you!

Yesterday, a story came from the Betty Ford Clinic, stating that Lindsay Lohan got into a physical altercation with a staffer that resulted in Lindsay opting to leave the facility. We didn’t know much more than that at the time, but now, the incident report has been released and we’ve learned more of the nitty-gritty details! Plus, and unsurprisingly, the staffer, Dawn Holland, is TALKING personally about what went down with LiLo! But one step at a time…

According to the incident report, which was written by Dawn about six hours after the fight, Dawn was sent to Lindsay’s room to administer a breathalyzer test to Lindsay and her two roommates after they allegedly returned from a night of partying past curfew. Now, we had heard about the roommates drinking before, but we were under the assumption that LiLo did not partake. Now we see that it may just be that there’s no evidence to the contrary, since Lindsay refused to take the test, per her mother’s instructions.

The report reveals that Lindsay quickly called her mother, Dina Lohan, when the staffer arrived. She told her daughter that there was no reason for her to submit to the test and when Dawn confronted LiLo about it, according to the report, Linds “yelled at me that she was talking to her mother and her mother told her she didn’t have to breathalize, she asked me if I wanted to speak to her mother but would never hand me the phone.”

That’s when things took an ugly Naomi Campbell like turn for the worst, according to Dawn. She says that Lindsay “threw the phone … I threw up my left hand to block it and then she grabbed my right hand and tried to snatch the phone that I had up to my ear, then called me a ‘C*nt B*tch.'”

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! How could this be? We’ve been hearing only such good things about her recovery and this sounds like she’s positively on edge!

But this is just the story Dawn gave in her report. In a recent interview FOLLOWING the incident, Dawn went on to explain that Lindsay was “belligerent” since the moment she and her roommates were caught scaling the wall back into Betty Ford after sneaking out. She also explains that when she entered the girl’s room, she could smell alcohol on Lindsay’s breath and knew without the test that LiLo was wasted.

On top of it all, it seems that Lindsay grabbed the woman with such force that now she has a sprained wrist, which has forced Dawn to go out on workers’ comp.

Wow. We just don’t know what to say. On the one hand, if this is all true, we’re very disappointed in Lindsay. This is a MAJOR setback for her, one that could cost her the chance to get well in rehab and not prison. On the other hand, we have a hard time believing a woman who would run straight to the presses about the whole thing only hours after it happened. That sounds rather shady to us.

What do U think? Has the old Lindsay resurfaced or is she being framed for publicity?

[Image via Pacific Coast News Online.]

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Dec 22, 2010 10:15am PDT

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