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Meghan Markle's Father Says She's NEVER Faced Racism!

Meghan Markle Father Thomas Racism Good Morning Britain

The more this family speaks the more we understand why Meghan Markle isn’t showing up to Sunday dinner anymore.

As part of his continuing campaign for the title of Most Cringeworthy Father Of All Time, Thomas Markle appeared once again on Good Morning Britain on Monday to discuss his daughter and Prince Harry‘s decision to leave their Royal duties and create a “progressive new role” doing whatever they want in Canada.

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This time Tommy came out all guns blazing, saying about Megxit:

“What they have decided to do is, to me, embarrassing.”

Wow, damn. We know about half the people we’ve asked think Meghan and Harry are being ungrateful and/or selfish:

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It’s not a simple matter, and we can see both sides. (You can still place your vote HERE btw!)

But Thomas actually knows one of the people involved personally. So why does he think their decision is so “embarrassing”? He says:

“I think when they got married, they married into royalty and they knew what they were getting themselves into. That’s been Harry’s life, Meghan’s had a similar kind of life.”

Sorry, what? Meghan’s life previous to becoming an internationally famous Duchess was similar? Does he mean when she was taking out the trash at an ice cream parlor in SoCal? Or when she was the fourth lead on one of those USA Network shows that last seven seasons even though no one you know has ever seen them?

Oh, maybe he means she was his little princess which is totally the same thing as being actual freakin’ royalty.

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In any case, he’s clearly saying she knew what she was getting into. And now he’s on the side of Queen Elizabeth II, perhaps because he sees in her another family member being abandoned? He states:

“I think they have hurt the queen. I think they have hurt the royals and it just doesn’t work to be going to another country to be serving England. It’s never going to work.”

Clearly he’s never heard of ambassadors.

But the most surprising statement Thomas made about his daughter was saying he was “having trouble buying” the idea she’d been facing a lot of racism as part of her role as the Duchess of Sussex.

Seriously? Everyone who marries into a family of another race has experienced at least some racism. Meghan essentially married into a family of 66 million, and he doesn’t think at least a few of those old, conservative Brits weren’t happy with the idea of a woman of color among them? Come on, man.

Thomas told the hosts he hadn’t noticed any racism in the U.K. and that it was “far more liberal” than the US. Apparently no one told him they have their own Trump now…

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Frankly, we can’t say we’re surprised to hear an older white man didn’t notice any racism. TOMMY — IT IS NOT BEING DIRECTED AT YOU, OF COURSE YOU WOULDN’T NOTICE IT!

But Poppa Markle went one step further, claiming Meghan had NEVER faced any racism, like in her entire life! He said:

“There’s never been a problem in terms of race with Meghan at her school or any place, and I haven’t noticed it in England at all. I don’t think she’s being bullied in any way, or any shape because of racism.”

Wow. That is just WILDLY naive.

And if he’s never noticed racism directed toward his own daughter her entire life, we think it says less about the world and more about how inattentive he has been as a father.

Ch-ch-check out the entire interview (below) and let us know what YOU think!

[Image via WENN/Avalon/ITV/YouTube.]

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Jan 28, 2020 12:09pm PDT