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Meghan Markle Was Being Looked At For Open US Senate Seat In California?!

Meghan Markle Was Being Looked At For Open US Senate Seat In California?!

Could we be calling her Senator Meghan Markle one day?! According to a new report, that was a serious possibility this weekend as far as some political insiders were concerned!

As you may recall, longtime US Senator Dianne Feinstein died on Friday. The Democrat from California had served the Golden State in the federal governing body for years before her passing at age 90. And since her death came in the middle of an active term, she now has to be replaced in the body — which, as rules dictate, must be done by California Governor Gavin Newsom.

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Newsom has openly said he intends to replace Feinstein in the Senate with a Black woman. Seeking better (and deserved) representation in that way, the Governor has been pretty clear about his intentions:

But it also has political insiders wondering: could Meghan Markle be the Black woman he chooses?!

Over the weekend, reported that Meghan being appointed to the Senate was “not an impossibility.” That outlet claimed “within minutes” of Feinstein’s death on Friday, political insiders and connected campaign surrogate “phones lit up” with speculation that Prince Harry‘s wife could be the one appointed. One insider told that news org:

“Meghan is definitely a long-shot but in the craziness that is US politics these days it’s not an impossibility. Crazier things have happened.”

Well, that’s certainly true

And the outlet went on! For one, Meghan has been “networking among senior Democrats” as a way to “fuel her political ambitions” in the future. Those ambitions reportedly even include becoming President one day. Yes, really!

It’s not just idle talk, either. She and Prince Harry “held a virtual hour-long meeting” with Gov. Newsom over the weekend about Feinstein’s now-open Senate seat and other political ambitions, per the Mail on Sunday.

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While appointing Meghan to the US Senate might seem pretty random compared to all the politically-connected people vying for the job, an insider explained to the outlet that Newsom’s options are actually more limited than one might think in putting up a caretaker for that Senate seat to only hold the gig for the final 13 months of the term:

“The problem he now faces is that all the best candidates have already announced they will be running for Feinstein’s seat in November 2024, the next election. Governor Newsom cannot elect any of those candidates to the position now as it would be seen as a huge, and very unfair, advantage. If he puts any of the very good black women candidates in the job now he will be accused of favoritism. So he needs to find a woman of color who can do the job for 13 months and will agree to not stand against any of the seasoned politicians who have already thrown their hats into the ring. There are not that many women who fit the bill. Which is why Meghan’s name is being bandied about.”

Tough spot!

And the fact that Meghan is pals with feminist Gloria Steinem — who is a major power player among Democrats — has only helped her cause. A close friend of Steinem’s explained their dynamic to the Mail on Sunday, as well:

“Gloria has been introducing Meghan to pivotal people within the party. Meghan is interested in politics more than anything else. That’s where she believes her power is but she has had to focus on making money.”


Still, other Democrats aren’t as convinced. One senior source inside the party straight-up said:

“I don’t think you can take Meghan seriously.”

Unfortunately for the Suits alum, Newsom is NOT picking her for the Senate role. On Monday morning, news broke that Gov. Newsom will appoint Laphonza Butler to Feinstein’s seat. Butler will make history as the first Black lesbian to openly serve in the US Senate when she takes her oath — which will likely come Wednesday, and be administered by Vice President Kamala Harris. FYI, Butler is a strategist for the Dems and the current president of the political action committee EMILY’s List.

So, congratulations to her! And sorry to Meghan!

Reactions, Perezcious readers?!

[Image via MEGA/FayesVision/WENN]

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Oct 02, 2023 07:45am PDT