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Real Life Armageddon?! Ten-Ton Meteor EXPLODES Over Russia! Nearly 1,000 People Injured!

And here we were, just finally getting comfortable and laughing about all of that 12-21-2012, Mayan apocalypse craziness!
Guess we’re not out of the woods yet, folks!
Well, okay, we all know it’s NOT the end of days, but this is certainly crazy and scary enough to at least get your head scratching!
What was projected to be a ten-ton meteor entered the Earth’s atmosphere over the Ural Mountains in Russia early this morning, traveling past the speed of sound at 33,000 miles-per-hour before shattering into pieces 32 miles above the ground over the Chelyabinsk region…all of which resulted in a MASSIVE shockwave that blew out one million square feet of glass and left 985 people, 204 of them schoolchildren, injured!
Stranger yet?
This comes less than A DAY BEFORE an asteroid, identified as 2012DA14, is apparently going to miss hitting Earth by about 17,150 miles – the closest recorded pass EVER!
Local resident Serget Hametov explained:

“There was panic. People had no idea what was happening. We saw a big burst of light, then went outside to see what it was and we heard a really loud, thundering sound.”

Luckily, most of the injuries reported are on par with another resident, Marat Lobkovsky, who described:

“I went to see what that flash in the sky was about. And then the window glass shattered, bouncing back on me. My beard was cut open, but not deep. They patched me up, it’s OK now.”

GEESH! Still, SO scary!
According to city officials, 3,000 buildings in the city are damaged, and with so many glass windows destroyed, residents are facing exposure to 15.8 degree weather!
Meanwhile, a 20-foot-wide crater has been located nearby, which military spokesman Yaroslavl Roshchupkin attributes as the final landing place of these fragments of space rock that have obviously caused SUCH a spot of bother!
But thankfully, it seems that the injuries here are incredibly minor, compared to the devastation that such an event could have wrought, and our thoughts go out to all of the people who were injured or negative affected by this all!
Everyone else, however, check out this INSANE video from the scene (above), recorded by someone who was kind enough to provide the PERFECT soundtrack to such a CRAZY cosmic event…AKA Leona LewisBleeding Love!

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Feb 15, 2013 13:37pm PDT

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