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The Roots Of Lindsay's Problems Continue To Exploit Her For Press! Michael Compares Himself To An 'Archangel!'

The Roots Of Lindsay's Problems Continue To Exploit Her For Press!  Michael Compares Himself To An 'Archangel!'

It’s moments like these when you realize that she never had a chance.
Lindsay Lohan is once up to her elbows in legal trouble, and of course, instead if bonding together as a normally family would under such intense media scrutiny, her mother, Dina Lohan, is reportedly pimping out a tell-all book that both exploits her daughter’s drug addictions and blames everyone but herself!
Not to be outdone, of course, father Michael Lohan has all kinds of opinions on the matter, and is sharing them with anyone who will listen!
He says:

├óΓé¼┼ôShame on you Dina. Well I guess making Lindsay sign a LIFETIME management agreement (taking 20 percent of everything she earns) at the age of 10, wasn’t enough. No, it├óΓé¼Γäós a book? A tell all? Well from what I read so far at least she’s accurate about allowing Lindsay to go to LA at such a young age. BUT does she say it was against my wishes? Or it was with a runaway (NOT A GUARDIAN) who was only 19? Or that I told Dina and Lindsay to get away from the people Dina said were good kids, and then against my wishes, she allowed them in our own house. Kendra and AJ, who turned out to be the people who introduced Lindsay to drugs and even stalked her, were two of these people. While filming Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Dina actually tried to sneak Lindsay a Bellini (alcohol based drink), without me knowing. The kids would even say ├óΓé¼╦£Daddy, don’t let mommy drink anymore.├óΓé¼Γäó Meanwhile, I am the one who gets all the flack, along with being accused of selling Lindsay out, when I never took a penny. I have been saying these things all along. Why don’t people speak out and put more pressure on Dina, to FINALLY do the right thing? Just put our differences aside for the sake of our kids and deal with our issues between us. When will people, including Lindsay, realize that DINA did this to Lindsay and it was DINA who destroyed our entire family? Because of her greed, alliance to her mother and brothers, (rather than us as a family) and desire to be famous, Lindsay is where she is today. All the pain, suffering and heartache is due to Dina and HER family, while me and MY family offered the stability and support Lindsay needed and needs, Dina and her family offered the opposite. For God├óΓé¼Γäós sake, I look like Michael the Archangel compared to Dina├óΓé¼Γäós two brothers, Paul and Matt Sullivan. Well, when it comes to the book (memoires) don├óΓé¼Γäót count on Dina taking any blame or admitting that what she did destroyed Lindsay, her career and our other children. What you can count on is a take off of Matt Lauer├óΓé¼Γäós interview, and the disgusting lies to the courts. Lindsay has a hard enough time dealing with her own issues at hand. Instead of dropping more bricks on her, why don├óΓé¼Γäót you come clean and be the professed, ├óΓé¼╦£good Catholic├óΓé¼Γäó you and your hypocritical family say you are? Mend the fences, HELP Lindsay, and offer the support two parents are supposed to offer the children we brought into the world? THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU, YOUR FAMILY OR OUR DIFFERENCES; IT’S ABOUT ALL OF OUR CHILDREN, BUT FOR NOW, SAVING LINDSAY├óΓé¼ΓäóS LIFE. NOT TAKING MORE FROM HER.├óΓé¼┬¥

Wow. Wow wow wow wow.
We don’t even know where to BEGIN with that tirade of crazy!
Perhaps the comparing himself to archangel? The tirade of accusations? The Kanye caps?
For the record, the Lohan’s tireless publicist, Steve Honig, has denied reports that Dina’s book will exploit the hard-pAArtying former actress, and explains:

“Dina has not written a book yet and has not signed with a publisher. If and when that happens, her book would certainly show the utmost compassion for her children. Right now her focus is on the well-being of her family.”

And yeah.
There’s nothing to even say anymore. It’s just completely evident why Lindsay has never recovered, let alone know how to function in actual society.
And she never will, unless she gets away from these horrible excuses for parents.

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Oct 22, 2011 14:00pm PDT