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Michael Moore

Celebs On The Side Of Occupy Wall Street!

We bet this really helped with morale.
Earlier last week, we shared video of protesters getting arrested in New York for being a part of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration. The protest against Wall Street’s financial greed and corruption has been going on for days, but has made little progress.
Thankfully, a few familiar faces have come forward to pledge their support for the cause. Susan Sarandon actually went to visit the protesters yesterday morning camped out at Zuccotti Park, claiming that their actions are “very constructive” and wished them the best with their fight.
Then, director Michael Moore showed up to offer his support and speak directly to the group about their plight.
We actually have video of Michael’s visit (above) in which he brought up the protestors spirits and confidence that their fight isn’t in vain.
We just hope everyone stays safe out there!

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Sep 28, 2011 17:50pm PDT

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