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Michael Vick Spent THOUSANDS On An Image Makeover After Becoming A Real Life Villain

michael vick image makeover consultant 111 thousand dollars dog fighting football

Nobody liked Michael Vick for a loooong time after he got caught making dogs fight to the death, and some would argue that it STILL hasn’t been long enough!

He HAS changed a lot of minds about him, though — through what we’ve seen as reform and a sincere effort to change his ways. Did you know that he didn’t do it on his own, though?

Like any good sports player, he was coached… and he paid a hefty sum for it! We’re talking $111k+ for an elite crisis management team to re-brand him!

According to the source (and court docs), here’s how Sitrick & Company went about making Vick the likable person we see today (for most):

1. “Develop media list and identify friendly media sources.”

The team and Vick chose with the Today, 60 Minutes, People Magazine, Newsweek and Larry King Live.

2. Put Vick through intense media training “aimed at regaining initiative in PR war.”

3. “Prepare list of sympathetic parties in media and community.”

4. On July 31, 2007 Sitrick advised Vick’s legal team on “need to avoid further interviews ahead of planned PR offensive.” AKA Knowing when to NOT open your mouth!

5. Execute. Vick appeared on “60 Minutes” on August 16. He then faced the media in a news conference on August 27 — accepting blame, accepting punishment and vowing to learn from the experience.

That $111k led to Vick having a good enough image when he got out of prison (after 19 months) that the Eagles were willing to hire him, which led to a $100 million contract.

So yeah, we’d say that initial investment was WORTH IT.

Still, there are people out there that say he should never be forgiven! Given this new information — what camp are U in??

[Image via AP Images.]

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Aug 16, 2013 14:03pm PDT

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