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Mighty Ducks 4 Might Actually Happen?! Quack, Quack, Quack! But Where Is The Original Cast Now?!

Mighty Ducks 4 Might Actually Happen?! Quack, Quack, Quack! But Where Is The Original Cast Now?!

Every time we watch The Mighty Ducks, we always remember that it was Hans who taught those kids to fly! DUCKS FLY TOGETHER!
Sorry, our nostalgia just got the better of us. However, it might not be in vain because maybe…just maybe, we might be getting a new Mighty Ducks movie.
Producer Jordan Kerr had this to say on the Flying V’s return to the screen for a Mighty Ducks 4:

“There have been a number of times that we have discussed with the studio the idea of either bringing it back and bringing it back possibly with one or two of the guys who are now in their thirties as the coaches, and having a few more of them be their friends in their lives and having the kids come back. And I├óΓé¼Γäóve been pitched a story two or three times. It hasn├óΓé¼Γäót been the right story yet, but the idea of doing that is something Steve and I have talked about and actually Disney and I have talked about. So I├óΓé¼Γäóm not going to fuel the rumor mill that it├óΓé¼Γäós going to happen, but I├óΓé¼Γäóm saying to you that the studio said to us, ‘We├óΓé¼Γäód be interested if you come to us with the right story.’ And that├óΓé¼Γäós something that we├óΓé¼Γäóve been all thinking about independently and I think that we may be coming closer to having the right idea for that.”

Oh, puck yes!
Meanwhile, Joshua Jackson who played Charlie Conway thinks that a fourth film is practically mandatory:

“I feel like a fourth film should happen, and if there was space for any of the original kids that come back and have a role, I would be surprised that anybody didn├óΓé¼Γäót want to do it. The next generation should have its own version. Not that we need to come back as adults, but I hope my kids grow up and play pickup hockey and I hope that they have their own movies like my generation had those movies. In that way, yeah, of course, I├óΓé¼Γäód be a part of something like that.”

Well, as you contemplate the idea of a fourth in this potential quackilogy, find out where some of our cast favorites form the original is (below)!
Emilio Esteves, you know, Charlie Sheen‘s less cray cray bro, was the quintessential mentor as Coach Bombay! Recently, he wrote and directed the independent film, The Way!
Joshua went on from playing Charlie Conway to playing Pacey on Dawson’s Creek to being on Fringe! We call that a Hat Trick, if ever we heard one.
Elden Hensen went on from being a total bad ass as Fulton in MD, to being in The Butterfly Effect, and now he’s going to play Pollux the Avox in the upcoming two-part finale of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay! This Bash Brother is making a comeback!
Shaun Weiss, who played Goldberg, stopped being a puck-blocking machine and went on to have a guest star in episodes of Freaks & Geeks, King of Queens, and part in Drillbit Taylor.
J.D. Daniels who played Peter Mark traded the puck for a football head and voiced Hey Arnold‘s Arnold. Lifetime achievement right there, as far as we’re concerned.
Marguerite Moreau who played Connie went on to play the girl next door personified in Wet Hot American Summer and had a part in 7 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy.
Aaron Schwartz not only played Karp, he went on to star in Heavyweights before dropping a ton of LBs and becoming a recurring cast member on Gossip Girl.
Pete & Pete‘s Danny Tamberelli played Tommy in MD, he was also in All That, and voiced Arnold in The Magic School Bus!
tommy duncan

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Jun 10, 2014 16:11pm PDT

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