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Mila Kunis Wants A Family Real Soon

Mila Kunis is def a hot actress, both in terms of her career and her looks, so she shouldn’t have a problem finding someone and settling down.
Especially since the 28-year-old recently said that she’d like to have a family by the time she’s 33.
She said:

“In five years I do hope to have a family, and, you know, who knows? I think in this industry people have such a short shelf life, truly, that I don’t know what I’m going to be in five years in regards to acting.”

She ended a long-term relationship with Macaulay Culkin not too long ago, so she better find someone quick!
As far as the industry is concerned… will she be acting forever?

“I’d love to produce. I can’t form a sentence or write an email, so I know I’m definitely not going to go and become a writer, but I would love to explore other facets of this industry, for sure. I’m dabbling in that a little bit right now and trying to see what I like. But I don’t know … I’ve always been a big proponent of not working for the sake of working, because I don’t want to work for the rest of my life – I want to live. So I’d rather work to live than live to work.”

So she has no idea what she’ll be doing.
Just like the rest of us!
Five years is a very long time. You’ll find love, gurl. We know it.
[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]

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Jul 17, 2012 17:30pm PDT

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