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Naya Rivera's Heartbroken Co-Stars Lead Celebs Paying Tribute On Twitter

Naya Rivera Dead Glee Twitter Celebrity Tweets

The many fans and friends of Naya Rivera had been holding out hope for a miracle, but on Monday the sad confirmation finally came…

She was gone, drowned in Lake Piru where she was spending the day swimming with her son.

Related: Naya’s Final Texts Led Authorities To Her

Obviously many poured out their hearts at the news, but if it wasn’t already clear by the Glee stars joining the search at the lake, those close to her LOVED her.

Chris Colfer wrote a long, eloquent post on Instagram, next to a throwback photo of the co-stars together:

“How can you convey all your love and respect for someone in one post? How can you summarize a decade of friendship and laughter with words alone? If you were friends with Naya Rivera, you simply can’t. Her brilliance and humor were unmatched. Her beauty and talent were otherworldly. She spoke truth to power with poise and fearlessness. She could turn a bad day into a great day with a single remark. She inspired and uplifted people without even trying. Being close to her was both a badge of honor and a suit of armor. Naya was truly one of a kind, and she always will be. ? Sending all my love to her wonderful family and her beautiful son.”

Jane Lynch, aka Sue Sylvester herself, wrote:

Rest sweet, Naya. What a force you were. Love and peace to your family.”

Josh Sussman, who played Jacob Ben Israel, wrote:

” ? Naya, you will be missed so much.

Max George from The Wanted, who guest-starred as Clint, wrote:

“Absolutely devastating news about Naya Rivera. Beautiful inside and out. You will be missed greatly. RIP Naya. Thoughts with all her friends and family at this awful time.”

Max Adler, who played footballer Dav Karofsky, was at a loss for words, posting just:

” ??????????? “

And then moved right to the anger stage of grieving, writing:

“Hey, July 13th…. ? “

The date of course is in reference not just to Naya but also to late co-star Cory Monteith, who happened to pass away on July 13, 2013 — exactly seven years ago today.

But it wasn’t just Glee actors; Naya had plenty of other celeb admirers. Bebe Rexha wrote:

“This is an absolute nightmare. I had the pleasure of having dinner with her once after a recording session we did together and she was an absolute sweetheart. My heart goes out to her family and friends. I hope I’m lucky enough to meet you up in heaven. Rest In Peace Naya Rivera”

Kehlani posted:

“the reason songbird by fleetwood mac is one of my favorite songs ever is because of the glee soundtrack version. she transformed it. ?? Rest Easy Naya Rivera … God cover and hold her loved ones!”

NBA star Dwyane Wade tweeted:

“Rest in Heaven.”

Pretty Little Liars star Janel Parrish wrote:

“Rest In Peace and power, Naya.”

NFL wide receiver Ryan Grant posted:

“Rest in Power Naya. May your spirit find peace .”

Naya was clearly a big influence on the next generation of stars as well. Singer Maggie Lindemann wrote:

“f**k man. rip naya rivera. thank you for helping me find myself and feel less alone when i was young. you will be missed. ?  i can’t believe this whole situation.”

Bryana Salaz, star of Netflix’s Team Kaylie, wrote:

“naya rivera. didn’t realize the impact u had on my life growing up, being the first poc, lgbtq character i saw on screen. i grew up listening to u sing, being inspired by the girl on glee who looks like me & is unapologetically herself. you changed so many lives. rest easy angel.”

Jessie star Skai Jackson posted:

#RIP to a beautiful soul…

[Image via Brian To/JLN Photography/WENN.]

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Jul 13, 2020 15:35pm PDT