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Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage Still Gets Leading Roles?

You don’t have to be good looking anymore to land a leading role in Hollywood!
Just take a look at Nicolas Cage. The veteran actor has his latest flick, Knowing, hitting theaters this Friday.
Ah, the wonders of makeup and wigs!
The 45-year-old is starring in the sci-fi movie set to battle Mother Nature. The movie deals with Cage who plays an astrophysics professor and single dad who manages to decode a message that can predict major disasters.
This means it’s all up to Cage to warn the whole world about it. You know, cuz he’s the hero and all.
And, surprisingly, Cage also has a few other movies in the making. His next flick to be released will be Kick-Ass in which he plays a comic book hero.
He also has The Sorcerer’s Apprentice which is set to be released in 2010 where he plays, what else, but a sorcerer. And he’s said to be working on a few other projects as well.
What do U think, is his movie coming out this week even worth watching?
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 19, 2009 17:00pm PDT

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