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Octo-Mom Fires The Help!!!!

Octo-Mom Fires The Help!!!!

This just goes to further prove that Octopussy, Nadya Suleman, is fucking bananas!
As on Monday, she has FIRED a nonprofit group of nurses that has been helping her take care of her litter of kids.
Even Octo-Mom’s attorney, Jeff Czech, confirmed the news that she had fired the free group of nurses.
With six kids already home and four of the octuplets now out of the hospital, who in their right mind would get rid of ANY help.?????
Suleman’s attorney he claims the relationship between his cuckoo client and the nurses started off poorly due to the nurses attorney, Gloria Allred.
Guess Octo-mom didn’t like the fact that Allred had publicly filed a complaint against her with the Los Angeles County Department of Children’s Services.
So, were the nurses spying for Allred? Did Suleman find out? Is she going a bit paranoid perhaps?
Either way, Allred refused to comment immediately, but always the media lover, we’re sure she’ll talk to the press today.
As for Octo-Mom, we could really care less about her, but we hope all those kids are ok.
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 24, 2009 11:17am PDT

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