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Legal Matters

OJ Simpson Has No Problem Accepting Handouts

You might as well throw your money into a fire before handing it over to OJ!
Barrett Prody, the brother of the Juice’s ex-girlfriend, has started a nonprofit group to raise money for Simpson’s legal bills!
Uhm, yeah right!
Like we’d really contribute to that!
Prody started the Society Against Legal Injustice Inc. to “leverage [Simpson’s] name in an effort to right an injustice out there in Las Vegas.” The infamous actor/football player was found guilty of kidnapping and armed robbery in a 2007 incident in which Simpson stole OJ memorabilia from two sports collectible dealers at gunpoint in a Vegas hotel room.
Simpson’s lawyers have pitched in their two cents on the organization, stating “It seems that Barrett has the best of intentions, but whatever he’s doing is on a separate track with what we’re doing.” His lawyers also confirmed that OJ’s trial and appellate fees were “basically paid.”
So where are the big legal bills coming from?
It’s been said that Simpson owes $33.5 million in “punitive damages” to the Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson estates after being found liable of their 1994 murders in a civil suit following his acquittal during the circus of a murder trial in 1995.
So if you donate to Prody’s fund, you’ll be supporting the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman???

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Mar 17, 2009 15:20pm PDT

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