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Ellen DeGeneres

Oprah Is Learning How To Share

Did Oprah Winfrey hire a new marketing manager?
The queen of daytime talk is a true multi-media mogul, with her film producing, Sirius radio channel, and, of course, her monthly magazine, O.
Oprah’s mag always features momma O on the cover of each issue.
In fact, Winfrey’s been on the cover of her magazine, alone, over 100 times. But, that all changed with the April issue when Oprah invited Michelle Obama to share the cover.
And, now, in an interesting yet confusing move, Winfrey has invited Ellen DeGeneres to share the cover of her magazine.
According to Ellen’s official Twitter page, she states, “Oprah just asked me to be on the cover of “O” magazine!”
Two people on the cover of her mag in one year? Is Opes okay???
Plus, DeGeneres is the competition!!!!
Wonder who’ll be the next person Oprah taps to be with her on the cover?
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 20, 2009 11:00am PDT