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Pam Anderson Confused U.K. Viewers By Fleeing Game Show Set -- Find Out Why & See The Reactions!

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Pamela Anderson is not here for nostalgia… at least not for long!
If you were watching Celebrity Juice on ITV last night, you may have been a bit confused at the end!
After the games were over, all the other panelists got up and did a little end of show dance as the credits rolled.
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But not Pam. Gurl was out of there like a rocket, just grabbed her coat and shuffled right past host Keith Lemon and her fellow celeb guests.
See the awkward TV moment (below)!

Faux fur on, and out the door! Yeah, that was NOT planned!
And viewers quickly caught on…

So what really happened?
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According to Lemon, the problem was a vintage photo of Pam they showed earlier in the telecast. He told The Sun:

“At first I thought it might be because she didn’t want to play a game that involved putting chips up her nose, but it wasn’t, it was because we showed an old school picture of her and she didn’t like it. She didn’t tell me, but she said to one of the producers, ‘I’m not happy, I have clearance on all my pictures, I’m not happy you showed that.'”

Here’s the offending pic:
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Aww, why would she be upset about that? Young pics are adorable! And certainly hers isn’t as embarrassing as Ryan Gosling‘s childhood dance moves!
Lemon agrees and even has an alternative theory. He says:

“There’s so much worse we do to people on Juice so I’m really surprised that’s what made her walk… Maybe she needed a poo and she ran off because she didn’t wanna poo herself on telly? So made that excuse.”

Aww, that can’t be it!
Either way, we’re hoping to get the real tea straight from Pammy soon!
[Image via ITV/WENN.]

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Mar 31, 2017 13:57pm PDT