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Patrick Swayze

Patrick Swayze Continues To Fight! Denies Reports He Is Close To Death

Patrick Swayze wants you to know that he is doing well!
After spotting the cover of a tabloid claiming the actor is reaching “The End” of his struggle with stage IV pancreatic cancer, Swayze has taken the time to release a statement on the true condition of his health.
“It’s amazing to me that the tabloids such as the National Enquirer print such negative stories about me and my health when there are so many positive things going on in my life right now. I’ve started a new chemotherapy and, one again, I am one of the lucky ones with pancreatic cancer that is responding well to the treatment,” says Swayze.
Thank goodness!
The ailing actor also assures the public that he won’t be leaving anytime soon. Swayze has started working on a new book as well as introducing a new friend into his life – Kumasai, a 12-week-old Rhodesian Ridegeback puppy!
Patrick does has a few words of wisdom for the tabloids and press, though.
“I hope in the future, the press will think twice about printing inaccuracies and painting an unpleasant picture when I have so much to be thankful for at this time.”
Fair enough!
Stay strong Patrick!
[Swayze images via Fame Pictures.]

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Mar 12, 2009 09:39am PDT

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