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Corgis Are Becoming Endangered?!

Corgis Are Becoming Endangered?!

The Pembroke Welsh corgi is a vulnerable breed!!
Britain’s Kennel Club breeders’ association has issued a chilling warning├óΓé¼┬ª
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi, favorite of the queen of England, is at risk of disappearing!
The short-legged, yappy doggies have been favored by the British monarchy since the 1930s and now thats all in jeopardy.
The Kennel Club said that there were only 241 Pembroke Welsh Corgis registered in Britain, so few that the breed is now on the “at watch” list, preparing to move to the “vulnerable native breed” list!
The organization said in a statement:

“It looks unlikely to reach the 300 registrations needed to stay off the vulnerable native breeds list.”

Hopefully going on the vulnerable list is a good thing!
It’ll mean people will have to start taking steps to ensure the sustainability of this breed.
Don’t let small, foreign breeds like the French Bulldog take over! Save the corgis!!
[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 07, 2013 10:39am PDT

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