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Ashley Koff

What Parents With Young Children Should Check The Nutrition Label For

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Those little black and white labels on the back of food boxes list a whole lot of nutrients, so it’s not hard to become confused as to what nutrients actually matter — especially for a baby!
A FitPerez reader shopping for a child consulted Ashley Koff, R.D., asking:

So what should people look out for when they are looking at labels for babies?

According to Ashley:

In the ideal world, you aren’t looking at labels for babies. If you are, then look to see if there is any sodium/salt added to the product. (There doesn’t need to be at all. It would only be used for taste or for preservative, and you can buy frozen which naturally preserves without need for salt.) Food, if fresh, should be an appealing taste (or blend it with something). As more foods are introduced, focus on whether the food item needs salt in it, and where sodium appears on the ingredient list. It should be near the bottom meaning the least amount in the recipe just like you would do if you were making it at home.

For more tips and nutrition advice, check out Ashley’s website!

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Nov 09, 2011 19:30pm PDT

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