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Ricki Lake Is Lucky She's Got Ducks!

Ricki Lake Is Lucky She's Got Ducks!

Quack-tastic news!!!!
Ricki Lake has some new yellow little friends in her house, and things seem to be going swimmingly!
Here’s what she tweeted about ’em:

Ricki has got some ducks!
How did she get ’em?
Did she leave a trail of torn up bread from the pond to her house?!
Because we’ve tried that to no avail!
She also tweeted:

Wait, Ricki has got a pet dog that’s named Pancha???
You’re telling us this lady has ducks AND a dog named Pancha???
This lady cannot get any more amazing! Or maybe she can!
Because she also tweeted:

Okay, so just to recap. She’s got a dog named Pancha, she has ducks, and not only does Ricki have ducks but the ducks can read!
We’re seriously impressed.
Check out an amazing video of the duckies here.
Enjoy ‘em!
P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!
P.P.S. CLICK HERE to “like” Perez on Facebook!
[Image via Twitter.]

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Apr 15, 2013 12:02pm PDT

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