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Rose McGowan Gets Into INTENSE Shouting Match With Trans Heckler During Book Signing: 'I Didn't Agree To Your Cis Fucking World'

Rose McGowan Gets Into INTENSE Shouting Match With Trans Heckler During Book Signing: 'I Didn't Agree To Your Cis Fucking World'

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Mo’ movements, mo’ problems.
Rose McGowan‘s book reading turned ugly on Wednesday when a woman in the crowd confronted her about transgender rights.
What began as an emotional reading of her new memoir Brave, which documents the harrowing accounts of being (allegedly) raped by an unnamed Harvey Weinstein, turned into a confusing argument targeting “white cis feminism.”
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The drama went down in the Union Square Barnes & Noble in New York City. McGowan had just finished responding to a question about the fears she had in coming forward with her allegations when a woman in the crowd brought up comments she made on RuPaul‘s What’s the Tee? podcast in July 2017.
Shooting up from her seat, the heckler said:

“I have a suggestion. Talk about what you said on RuPaul. Trans women are dying and you said that we, as trans women, are not like regular women. We get raped more often. We go through domestic violence more often. There was a trans woman killed here a few blocks [away]. I have been followed home ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£.”

The woman was then interrupted by McGowan, who tried to explain that the point she was making was that all women — trans or cis-gender — are in the same boat. She retorted:

“Hold on. So am I. We are the same. My point was, we are the same. There’s an entire show called ID channel, a network, dedicated to women getting abused, murdered, sexualized, violated, and you’re a part of that, too, sister. It’s the same.”

The woman wasn’t satisfied, hitting back:

“You do nothing for them. Trans women are in men’s prisons. And what have you done for them?”

To which the Jawbreaker star replied:

“What have you done for women?”

With that, the terse exchange escalated into a shouting match, with McGowan demanding the heckler sit down as her voice broke.
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The woman was then escorted away by Barnes & Noble security, chanting “white cis feminism,” as McGowan launched an emotional tirade into the microphone:

“Don’t label me, sister. Don’t put your labels on me. Don’t you fucking do that. Do not put your labels on me. I don’t come from your planet. Leave me alone. I do not subscribe to your rules. I do not subscribe to your language. You will not put labels on me or anybody. Step the fuck back. What I do for the fucking world and you should be fucking grateful. Shut the fuck up. Get off my back. What have you done? I know what I’ve done, God dammit.”

Not sure what to do with this sudden attack, the crowd sprinkled the actress with cheers and compliments of encouragement. McGowan continued to the audience:

“I’m not crying I’m fucking mad with the lies. I’m mad that you put shit on me because I have a fucking vagina and I’m white or I’m black or I’m yellow or I’m purple. Fuck off. All of us want to say it. I just do… I might have information you want. I might know shit that you don’t. So fucking shut up. Please systemically. For once. In the world. You know what I’m talking about. Just tell the God damned truth. Stop boxing everybody into shit. I didn’t agree to your cis fucking world. Ok? Fuck off.”

We can definitely understand why McGowan got so heated over this.
In sharing her story, she’s perpetuating a movement that’s aiming to fighting abuse against women, but is she also supposed to be a trans rights activist?
Maybe this heckler should be crashing Caitlyn Jenner‘s book signing.
Although, that’s not to excuse whatever the fuck Rose even meant by saying, “I don’t come from your planet.”
[Image via Michael Carpenter/WENN.]

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Feb 02, 2018 13:17pm PDT