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Sacha Baron Cohen Uses Fake Production Companies To Lure Unsuspecting Victims To The Camera

Sacha Baron Cohen Uses Fake Production Companies To Lure Unsuspecting Victims To The Camera

So that’s how he did it!
In order to spear new victims for his Bruno mockumentary, Sacha Baron Cohen first hired a crack team of lawyers and then created a bunch of phony production companies to help dupe Nazis and white supremacists into giving telling interviews.
Chromium Films, Cold Stream Productions, and Coral Blue Productions are among some of the more than 31 fake companies. All of them link to the same phone number and address.
Upon their discovery, many of the “companies” were shut down, and while it might anger some of the interviewees to realize they were taken for a ride, it’s not Cohen’s fault they’re idiots!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 26, 2009 16:00pm PDT