Sailor Brinkley Cook is telling it like it is! And it’s a message we ALL need to hear!
The 21-year-old model daughter of famed supermodel Christie Brinkley took to Instagram over the Memorial Day Weekend, admitting to followers that her “body dysmorphia and left over eating disorder tendencies have been coming in strong.” Whoa! But there’s more…
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She shared a series of selfies to her IG account along with the message, and admitted openly to her followers that the chase for perfection in beauty was making her “so down on myself recently.”
Writing openly and directly about what she’s been going through, Sailor said (below):
“I’m so f**king sick and tired of the Photoshop. I’ve been so down on myself recently. Crying about my cellulite, letting the fat on my body ruin my day, getting mad that I’m not as skinny as I once was. The body dysmorphia and left over eating disorder tendencies have been coming in strong. As I come into myself as a young woman my body shifts and changes by the month, the ‘control’ I felt I once had over it has been completely stripped away from me. Hormones, emotions, growing pains. I go on Instagram and scroll through photos of girls that look ‘perfect’… shiny skin with not a bump to be seen, tiny little waist and thighs that look like chopsticks. And I compare myself, as if how someone on an app on my phone looks should directly correlate to how I feel about my body?”
That’s a good (and difficult) question! And one Sailor herself thought through towards a powerful, meaningful answer. The celeb kid added more in her message from there, concluding on an empowering note about self-acceptance, love, and gratitude:
“I am so f**king LUCKY to have two legs and a healthy body that takes me through life. I’m so tired of thinking anything that makes up ME is something to be ashamed of. So as most 21st century girls would do, I’m putting this out there on Instagram declaring that I have cellulite, and a stomach that doesn’t always look ‘pleasant’ (whatever the f**k that means) and I am 100% imperfect human. And I’m proud as hell of my body! If you’re out there hating on yourself, stop!! Appreciate yourself. You’re body is so magical. That’s all. Have a nice day.”
So great!!!
Ch-ch-check out the post itself (below):
Love it! And LOVE how open and honest she’s being about getting caught up in the trap that Instagram can be for so many young women!
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Quickly, her post went viral — and followers chimed in with their show of support and applause for her candid message and raw honest. One follower summed up what a lot of people were thinking — especially amid this coronavirus pandemic and self-quarantine — by writing in the comments section:
“I needed to hear that. I’m talented, loving and I have gained weight, hear me roar. Beauty and strength come from within… please remember that the majority of us are decent, loving and non-judgmental. Ignore the rest and enjoy life.”
Amen to THAT!!!
That’s what it’s all about, y’all!
[Image via WENN/Instar]