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Kirstie Alley

Screw You, Jenny Craig!

After parting ways with Jenny Craig recently, Kirstie Alley has confirmed that she hopes to “develop and pilot my own weight-loss brand that I hope to launch in 2009.”
Alley states that her split with Jenny Craig was amicable and called her experience with them extraordinary. She says, “I want to create something new that will help millions of people end the seemingly never ending fatty-roller coaster ride.”
She continues, “Somehow, I’ve also fallen into the position of “accidental” role model for, apparently, millions of people out there losing weight by whatever means. This was something I did not bargain for, or foresee happening. Nevertheless, it is something I’ve grown to embrace and something I intend to continue to pursue.”
Sounds to us like Kirstie was probably asking for too much of a raise! That, or she was getting too fat and not losing enough weight to be their spokesperson.

[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 20, 2008 07:11am PDT

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