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Sluttyiena Pushed Out of Robin Hood Flick By Tubster Russell Crowe



One of the NY papers is reporting that Russell Crowe took his losing battle against the bulge out on his would-be Robin Hood co-star, Sluttyiena Miller, by having her fired from the Maid Marian role in his new Hood flick!

As we previously mentioned, Tubby Crowe was reportedly ordered by the movie’s head honcho to lose his belly by the movie’s March production start.

A producer quipped, “We can’t have Robin Hood looking more like Friar Tuck.”


Anyway, insiders say the Australian actor’s weight isn’t exactly melting off, so he called for Slut Slut’s head because she would’ve made him look that much older and blubbery-er on screen.

The buzz going around Hollywoodland is that the producers are now “looking for an older, plumper actress to play the role so [Crowe] doesn’t look like a paunchy grandpa. Someone in her late 30s or early 40s.”

Where are they going to find one of those? “Plump” 30-40 year old, ‘name’ actresses in Hollywood are a size 4!!

And that’s not all!!

Tubby is supposedly trying to get director Ridley Scott fired from the film!!

Soooo effed up!

Ridley only cast Russell in the Gladiator role that won the fat one an Oscar.

Crowe sure is living up to Josh Brolin’s asshole characterization!!

A snitch said, “All of this was done behind Ridley’s back. He has no idea.”

A studio rep has apparently confirmed that Slutty was fired, but went on to say, “Nottingham is moving ahead with Russell Crowe and Ridley Scott.”

Looks like the Nottingham cast and crew is headed for one hell of a bumpy ride!

Good luck, y’all!!

[Images via WENN.]

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Jan 10, 2009 15:30pm PDT