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Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher Lost 35 lbs For Star Wars: The Force Awakens! Find Out How She Did It & Why She's Only Kinda 'Feeling Good' About It!

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Carrie Fisher
is still looking AH-Mazing these days — especially in the footage for Star Wars: The Force Awakens!
But the actress recently revealed that she was pressured to drop over 35 pounds before reprising her role as Princess Leia in the latest installment of the famous franchise!
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Speaking to Good Housekeeping U.K., the 59-year-old said:

“They don’t want to hire all of me — only about three-quarters! I’m in a business where the only thing that matters is weight and appearance. That is so messed up. They might as well say get younger, because that’s how easy it is.”

Fisher has a point — Hollywood is known for being extremely appearance based.
But maybe it’s just what’s right for the character? We know that Leia is now a General in The Force Awakens, so maybe the filmmakers thought 30 years of fighting would make her a lean, mean commanding machine?
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The actress did end up dropping the weight, and made it clear that there was no Hollywood secret to shedding the pounds! She continued:

“‘I did it the same way everybody has to ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ don’t eat and exercise more! There is no other way to do it. I have a harder time eating properly than I do exercising. It’s easier for me to add an activity than to deny myself something.”

Even though she doesn’t like to admit it, Fisher revealed that losing the weight had a positive effect!
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She added:

“When I do lose the weight I don’t like that it makes me feel good about myself. It’s not who I am. My problem is they talk to me like an actress but I hear them like a writer.”

For the past few decades, Fisher has been writing more than she’s been acting — but that might change after the success of this film!
See all of Carrie on the big screen when The Force Awakens hits theaters December 18!
[Image via Brian Bowen Smith/Good Housekeeping.]

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Dec 01, 2015 13:53pm PDT