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Solo: A Star Wars Story First Teaser Finally Drops -- Did It Disappoint??

Solo: A Star Wars Story First Teaser Finally Drops -- Did It Disappoint??

The scuttlebutt for weeks has been that the Han Solo movie will be Disney‘s first big swing-and-a-miss for their Star Wars movies.
After the firing of The Lego Movie directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller, with vet Ron Howard stepping in to reshoot much of the movie — then a huge delay on showing any footage at all — fans were understandably worried about this one!
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Now the first teaser has finally arrived, during the Super Bowl no less — but did it redeem the rumors? Or is it just as bad as some worried??
Ch-ch-check out the trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story (above) and tell us what YOU think (below)!

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Feb 04, 2018 19:57pm PDT