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Stephen Colbert To Make Congress Crack Up Testify On Immigration

We think it would be pretty hard to keep a straight face if Stephen Colbert were testifying in front of us. Good luck with that, Congress!
On Friday, Colbert will testify before Congress during the “Protecting America’s Harvest” hearing. He’ll be appearing with the President of United Farm Workers (UFW), Arturo S. Rodriguez, in front of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law.
We’ll join you for a deep breath after that one!
Colbert and Rodriguez will address the UFW’s “Take Our Jobs” campaign, which was developed to prove that immigrants are NOT taking away American citizens’ jobs.
Seems like the campaign was pretty effective. The UFW posted the following on their website:

“Farm workers are ready to welcome citizens and legal residents who wish to replace them in the field. We will use our knowledge and staff to help connect the unemployed with farm employers.”

Did Americans respond? Here’s a statement from a UFW press release:

“More than three million people have visited the campaign web site, Of those visitors, 8,600 have expressed an interest in seeking employment as farm workers. Despite the numbers, only seven people have taken the UFW up on its offer to take a job in agriculture.”

Looks like Colbert, Rodriguez, and the UFW have got some solid ammo there.
Best part about all of this – Colbert will make his testimony appearance in character. AWE-SOME! We would LOVE to see this!
[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 23, 2010 17:10pm PDT

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