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Star Seeker

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The Big Pink Elephant In The Room

Jodie Foster is still not ready to come out as a lesbian, despite being in a relationship with her lover, Cydney Bernard, for almost twenty years.
It’s cool. It’s her choice to come out or not. It’s also a journalist’s responsibility to ask her about it, and we applaud the folks at Entertainment Weekly for going there.
The Brave One star is on the cover of the new EW, and this was the most interesting part of the article.
“There’s only one subject that [Foster] firmly swats away. A recent Out magazine cover featured two models holding up pictures of her and Anderson Cooper‘s faces in front of their own, under the headline ‘The Glass Closet: Why Stars Won’t Come Out And Play.’ When asked if she has any response, Foster says, ‘Was that the one with the Popsicle sticks?’ Her thin lips tighten into a calm half smile of reproach: ‘No, I have no response.'”
Jodie’s not going to go to her grave closeted (hopefully).
If Loraine Barr had the courage to come out as a lesbian at 88 years old, then Jodie can do it too. It’s only a matter of time!
[Images via Celebrity Babylon.]

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Sep 03, 2007 14:05pm PDT

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