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#DeleteUber Worked!!!

Travis Kalanick steps down from advisory role.
Power to the people!!!
Uber CEO Travis Kalanick is reportedly stepping down from his position on Donald Trump‘s economic advisory council, according to a memo sent to employees Thursday.
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The memo, obtained by the New York Times, states:

“Earlier today I spoke briefly with the president about the immigration executive order and its issues for our community. I also let him know that I would not be able to participate on his economic council. Joining the group was not meant to be an endorsement of the president or his agenda but unfortunately it has been misinterpreted to be exactly that.”

Ha!!! Looks like the #DeleteUber movement worked!
As you may know, the #DeleteUber movement began when Drumpf first issued the immigration ban, which blocked people (even those with green cards and visas!!!) from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the USA.
As a response to the ban, the New York Taxi Workers Alliance issued an hour-long strike as protesters gathered at JFK International Airport in NYC last weekend. However, Uber continued to offer rides during this time, prompting many to become enraged at the company for seemingly profiting off the strike.
Thus, #DeleteUber began to trend on Twitter, and the company took an even bigger PR blow when competitor Lyft pledged to donate $1 million to the ACLU over the course of four years. BURN!!!
It was about as big a PR nightmare as could be expected, and now it seems like all the backlash has been fruitful, since Kalanick is no longer one of the orange blob’s minions.
Don’t ever let anybody tell you protesting and social pressure don’t work!
[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 02, 2017 17:57pm PDT

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