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The one weekend out of the year that we’re in her hometown of Chicago, and she’s not here!


Oprah Winfrey is in a small town in Canada, and lucky reader Zoe got the opportunity to meet her on Friday.

Here’s what she has to share:

“Dear Perez,

Yesterday was probably the biggest thing to happen in the history of the small town I live in… EVER! I was born and raised in Alert Bay BC up here in Canada in a small fishing village (population 1400). We don’t get a lot of excitement here, so when I noticed this giant yacht parked at the local dock, I knew it was someone important. Sure enough, the town was buzzing with word that OPRAH WINFREY was here! I couldn’t believe it! My sister and I were really excited. We heard through local chatter where she was and decided to walk in that direction. Apparently she had already checked out our local cultural centre (half the population here is native). As my sister and I were walking and chatting about how cool that was, I realized that Oprah was in the group of 3 people walking in our direction. It was just her, an older gentleman and another lady. No security or body guards or anything like that. As we were passing her, a car of women stopped and Oprah graciously signed their Oprah magazines and took pictures with them. Word around town is that she was incredibly nice to everyone and signed a lot of autographs and took pictures with lots of people. Anyway, just thought I’d let you know our tiny little island was fortunate to have THE Oprah Winfrey on it for a few hours.”

We’re so jealous.

We love Momma O!

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Aug 04, 2007 12:26pm PDT

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