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Lily Allen has a lot to get off her chest!

The wannabe talk show host has just posted the following long-winded message on her official blog:

“It’s Not That Easy Being Green

Ok so I wrote the longest blog yesterday and then I lost it because I’m a twat, but I’m writing you one now on my brand new MacBook air. I just got in from an exhibition opening, 100 years of Vanity Fair at the National Portrait Gallery, well actually it wasn’t 100 years of Vanity Fair, but if they’d waited 5 more years then it would have been. I can’t believe it’s been going since 1913, amazing really. The Mac Book’s pretty cool, it is so light it’s quite unbelievable, I wonder where they’ll go next, I don’t see how they can get any smaller.

I went to a fashion show this morning and saw some old friends, which was nice, I have been venturing out the last week or so, trying to get back to normality after what has been a rocky start to the year. I went to a pre-bafta party on Saturday with my friend George that was so lovely, he is a wonderful friend and I will always be grateful for his being there. I plan to go to a few things this week, it’s fashion week here in London, so there’s a lot going on, and hopefully it will be a fun week.

My TV show recording went really well on Friday, I was shitting it but I’m really happy with the results, our guests Cuba Gooding Junior and David Mitchell were fabulous and the audience were great too, standing in a hot studio for two hours watching fluff my lines is not my idea of fun , but they seemed to enjoy it . Thank you to the ever supportive Mail on Sunday for their glittering and rave review of the recording , they insinuated a third of the audience left because they were bored of the content of the show , when infact , due to it being the FIRST show we’ve done we ran over a little and naturally a small number of the audience had to catch the last trains back to wherever they came from. I can’t imagine the ” undercover journalist ” who broke into the studio ever had the intention of being positive about it though , obviously .

Anyway , that was fun , I was knackered over the weekend though cause I’ve been working in the studio doing the album , trying to finish it by the end of the month , and then getting back and ploughing through all these books that I have to read . I decided to take up the offer of being one of the judges for “The Orange Book Prize for Fiction” , I have three more books to finish by the end of the week , having read roughly twenty already . Alfie (my little brother) is busy on tour with Equus (a play) and I wasn’t expecting to see him for a while , so it was a lovely surprise when he woke me up on Sunday afternoon , I slept till two o’clock! , my mum had made a roast chicken and it was entirely pleasant spending the afternoon together , we watched the football and then he was gone , off to Glasgow for the next leg of the tour . I am so proud of him , his reviews have been brilliant and he really is fantastic on the stage . I went to see him in Chichester and I was so proud I cried , I miss you Alf . He has been such a good brother to me and I love him.

One last bit of exciting news, I have been miserable lately so I bought myself a new car. It may arrive by the end of the week so something to look forward to. Life is funny isn’t it? To think that a Mac Book or a car is going to be the thing to make you feel better . Something will, soon I hope
I’ll leave you with this, an advert for EDF energy, the song makes me momentarily happy, I have done some research and it turns out it was originally written for Kermit the Frog my Joe Raposo the composer for sesame street. I love it.”

[Image via Matrix Photos.]

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Feb 12, 2008 12:41pm PDT