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Star Seeker

Isaiah Washington

When Will He Go Away???


Star Jones‘s new law-oriented talk show debuts nest week on CourtTV and one of her first guests? Isaiah Washington.

Ughh. Watching these two together is like having diarrhea and taking a ton of laxatives on top of that!

”[Isaiah is] clearly in the middle of a story that involves law and ethics and values and judgment,” Jones explains to Entertainment Weekly. ”But also, he has a brand-new show that brings up ethical considerations. We’re excited about The Bionic Woman, but there are ethical considerations [there] because we in our technology right now are moving to replacing limbs, and we’re moving in the whole area of stem cell research, we’re moving in the area of cloning and whether or not it can actually be done with a human. And in reality, that’s what you’re doing with The Bionic Woman, you’re playing God. And so I get an opportunity to talk about those kinds of issues.”

Is anybody going to watch this show???

We smell a bomb and this one smells worse than Big Gay Al‘s ass!

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Aug 17, 2007 10:48am PDT

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