Besides being a frequent and habitual user of drugs, Britney Spears lost custody of her two children on Monday because she’s a fuck-up that can’t obey the law.
According to insiders close to the situation, the mother of two failed to comply with ALL of the things she had to do in order to maintain joint custody with Kevin Federline – as ordered by a Los Angeles judge.
Spears failed to meet with a drug counselor. She refused to submit to drug testing. She didn’t enroll in parenting classes. And she also failed to sign the judge’s order.
And last Friday, the judge prohibited both Spears and Federline from driving the children unless they had a valid California driver’s license. Spears ignored that demand as well.
What planet does she live on????
Britney obviously thinks she doesn’t have to play by the rules.
It’s her world, bitches. And we’re merely pawns in it. Her brazen disregard for the law is disgusting.
Thankfully the judge gave her a check mate by taking her kids away.
Game over, Britney.
Get your shit together or you’re not getting your kids back!
[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]
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