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Amy Winehouse

Winehouse Taken To The Hospital


This is actually good news!

Amy Winehouse was taken to the hospital this week.

The singer was suffering from dehydration and needed to be put on a drip to get fluids and essentials back in her system.

Wino’s hospitalization was needed, her father says, because she had been vomiting a lot – one of the symptoms of withdrawal.

Withdrawal is good! It means Amy’s not back on drugs, hopefully.

Mitch Winehouse said the star was moved to a hospital because her rehab facility did not have sufficient medical facilities.

“Everything is going according to plan and she’s perfectly OK,” Mr Winehouse told BBC radio station 1Xtra, adding that she was now back in the rehab clinic.

Nice to see Amy is sticking with her treatment!

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Feb 01, 2008 15:50pm PDT

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